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Paradise Divide Photography,  Paradise Divide,


Welcome to Paradise Divide Photography


Landscapes. Architecture. Commercial. Commissions


We see our environment as an endless tapestry from which

we can capture a few moments and our pleasure is to share those moments with you.


Please click on Portfolio above to see a selection of our images.


Paradise Divide Photography is a collection of moments captured through the medium of Canon Eos slide film,

Nikon D2x digital images, Nikon pocket digital camera and through the humble medium of iPhones from 6 through to 11. Themes range from the Four Corners geology and ancient peoples, through crumbling adobe farm houses and the sharp angled school rooms of Frank Lloyd Wright in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Sunsets, Autumn colours, vast panoramic views of Southwestern canyons and mountains


The vivid colours of annual and perennial flowers wild and cultivated. Black

 and White images that draw you in and enhance the image. Colour shots are so beautiful, why shoot in B&W?.

Well, Colour shots have so much going on and saturate our senses with their myriad hues.


B&W concentrates our focus with instant depth, even more so if the photographer uses sight lines artfully

and draws our attention through the light and shade of the image.


Well.... you be the judge.


Thank you. Gordon Reeves.


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